Monday, March 19, 2007

What does Deathly Hallows means?

Jo is not telling us because according to her it would give away too much of the plot in the last book.
Any clarification of the meaning of 'Hallows' would give away too much of the story - well, it would, wouldn't it? Being the title and all. So I'm afraid I'm not answering.

So I guess well will have to be patient about what it means. But there is always room for speculation.

1. Of, resembling, or characteristic of death: a deathly silence.
2. Causing death; fatal.
1. To make or set apart as holy.
2. To respect or honor greatly; revere.

My interpretation?
deathly hallow = a self-sacrifizing death that only resembles death but is not.

>What do you think?


J.K. Rowling says "Deathly Hallows is my favourite"

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

"I'm almost scared to admit this, but one thing has stopped me collapsing in a puddle of misery on the floor. While each of the previous Potter books has strong claims on my affections, 'Deathly Hallows' is my favourite, and that is the most wonderful way to finish the series." -JK Rowling.

Imagine taking 17years to write a book. Thinking about it and perfecting it. Now imagine having the imagination and skill of JK Rowling. The result should be an incredible book. A masterpiece even.
I understand the feeling of woe and emptiness knowing that it will be the last book. I felt depressed after finishing any of the previous books. But the consolation always was that there would be another book coming out. What will console the readers this time?

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