Thursday, January 11, 2007

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Trailer

Harry Potter and Order of the Phoenix trailer

Excellent looking movie. It's like reading the book for the first time. I think David Yates is an excellent choice as a director. You get the feeling that he "gets it."

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Harry Potter: For the series end, the line is endless

I think this is just the beginning. I predict that the frenzy for this one will make all the others look like a joke in comparison.

Readers are lining up around the virtual block for the new Harry Potter book, even though it doesn't have a publication date yet.

More than 1,500 people have signed up on an Internet waiting list at the Hennepin County Library for "Harry Potter and the Ghostly Hallows," the seventh and final installment of the blockbuster series that chronicles the battle between a plucky teen wizard and the evil Lord Voldemort. (Want to join the list? Go to

Harry Potter fans can see movie sites in U.K.

This would be an excellent tour for the entire family.


Much of the scenery was filmed in Scotland, and tours are available

Harry Potter fans don't need magic to see the boy wizard on his home turf, they just need a good map. "The movies were filmed in the United Kingdom," says Jeannie Barresi, whose Colorado company, Beyond Boundaries Travel, runs Harry Potter tours in Great Britain. "A lot of the scenery was shot in Scotland, plus some other places in England."

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