I always wondered how the books were translated to other languages. Did the translators get an early look at the plot? Now I know thanks to this article by Daniel Hahn.
The moment Rowling's publisher Bloomsbury put out its press release announcing that the author had delivered book seven and the publication date had been set, more than 60 translators across the world - from Europe to South America, Africa to Asia - started sharpening their pencils.
When that first published copy appears, their race will begin. In certain countries, where the quality of second-language English is very high, it's a race to get the book published in (say) Norwegian, or Danish, before readers decide not to wait for the translation and read it in the original.
In some cases, it's also a race against unofficial translators.
In China, where enforcement of international copyright law leaves something to be desired, intellectual property rights flaunters churn out shoddy renegade versions more or less with impunity. LINK.
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