Saturday, April 28, 2007

Hermione Granger at the Ball (Hermione Granger en la Gala)

The beautiful Hermione Granger as she makes an entrance to the ball in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

La bellisima Hermoine Granger que hace su entrada en la Gala de Baile en Harry Potter y el Caliz de Fuego.

Voldermort's Wand (La Vara de Magia de Voldermort)

Lord Voldermort's Wand responsible for the death of many innocent wizards.

La vara de magia de el Senor Voldermort responsable de la muerte de varios hechizeros.

The Dementors (Los Dementadores)

A Dementor's hand seen on the Hogwarts Express Bus in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

La mano de un Dementador viajando en el Expreso Hogwart en Harry Potter y el Prisionero de Azkaban.

Dumbledore's Army (El Ejercito de Dumbledore)

Dumbledore's Army (DA) will certainly play a central role in helping Harry Potter defeat Voldermort in the seventh and final book in the series.

El Ejercito de Dumbledore (ED) definitivamente jugara un papel central para ayudandar a Harry Potter a derrotar a Voldermort.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Hermione's Wand (La Vara Magica de Hermione)

Hermione Granger of Gryffindor's House magic wand.

La varita magica de Hermione Granger de la casa de Gryffindor.

Emma Watson

Emma Watson plays Hermione Granger in Harry Potter Movies

Christopher Little

Literary agent of JK Rowling the author of Harry Potter Book series

Harry Potter's

School book of Magical Monsters

Hogwarts's Express Train

On the way to Hogwarts to start a brand new year of classes

Platform 9 3/4 on the wat to Hogwarts Express

Harry Potter's first task was to find the elusive platform 9 3/4 before the Hogwart's Express train left the station at 11am sharp.

Harry and Hagrid Walking Down Diagon Alley

Hogwarts pupils and parents scurrying about Diagon Alley in search of book supplies before the beginning of the school year.

The Cast of Harry Potter?

Alan Richman (Snape), Rupert and Gary and two young ladies one of which have as a resemblance to Alan Richman, his daughter perhaps?

Sirius Black

Innocent and in Azkaban Sirius Black shown here in his prison picture in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and Hermoine Granger sitting in the Snow

Hermione comforts Harry regarding his Godfather Sirius Black in Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban.

Hermione Granger and Crookshanks

in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Thursday, April 26, 2007

You are Being Watched Harry Potter


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Luna Lovegood

Another addition to the Harry Potter cast.

Harry Potter Order of the Phoenix Premiers July 13, 2007

The latest installment of the Harry Potter franchise will be in theaters in the US on July 13th 2007

Slytherin's Flags

Slytherin's flags decorated the halls momentarily but all the points were not yet counted. Eventually Griffyndor's House won.


The Hogwart House of You-Know-Who.


The pure-blood Malfoy.

Pansy Parkinson

Newest Harry Potter character

Malfoy, Crabb and Goyle

So who is the girl on the right?

Emma Watson

Growing up nicely!

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