I do not envy JK Rowling’s task as the Potter Series comes to an end. With this seventh and final volume, she must bring to a close everything. Yes, every question raised from previous books. For example,
> Why did Dumbledore have to die?
> Why did Dumbledore trust Snape so much when no one else did?
> Why does somebody else need to die? And, who will it be?
> Why is Harry Potter the chosen one: "The boy who lived" instead of Neville?
> When Voldermort came to Hogwart's to see Dumbledore in book 5 he was after something, what is it?
> What is the meaning of the lightning scar on his forehead?
> Why is it shaped like a lightning bolt and not a star or a broomstick for example?
> From previous books we learned that the scar confered some powers to Harry Potter are there more powers in the scar we do not know about?
And, other less obvious questions that come to mind.
harry potter, book, hallows
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